Sunday, April 26, 2009


"Change is inevitable at NFA" has regularly been posted in various parts of Nelson Fine Art to prepare folks for the next iteration of gallery layout. Part of the natural evolution of a business is steady, regular change. Change forces you to get better or get out and it's a necessity. For the past 5 years, Artopia Art supply store has occupied a significant piece of real estate as well as being an important influence on the Nelson Fine Art business plan. In order for Artopia to evolve, owner, Becky Mallory has decided to move the store to its own store location, 316 E. Main Street, about 4 doors down the street from the Nelson. Official opening date is May 1 and will give Downtown Johnson City another art destination and Artopia a street front presence. Good luck Becky. We'll do all we can to help your continued success.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

P.A. Turner

I usually like to use this site to highlight the custom framing at Nelson Fine Art and Tree House Gallery, but this bears a post of it's own. We've handled P.A.'s work for several years. It tends toward "out there" status and is really fascinating work. If you are unfamiliar, follow this link and read her thoughts and see more of her work.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Customer Referrals!

Some businesses make customers out of friends. I'd like to think we make friends out of our customers. It makes for a pretty satisfying 18+ years that I've owned this gallery. And you know, we've made quite a few friends if I may say so. Every business owner has to balance his or her time between attracting new customers and maintaining the loyal returning folks. It is said that it costs less to keep a customer than to attract a new one. This post is dedicated to doing both. In reality, I don't know who (if anyone) reads this, but I'll present this idea anyway. If you refer a friend for custom framing, then we'll give them $10 off their framing and we'll give you the same break on your next framing. Of course, the key is your friend needs to tell us you referred them. We'll take care of the rest.