It's amazing the things folks want to have framed. It's not always paintings, art prints and photographs. Of course, it may take months to recieve replies since this is a very new site and as of this writing no one but the author has even seen this so far. BUT nevertheless, here is the request.
What is the most unusual thing you've seen framed or you yourself have had custom framed?
My daughter had Dick frame the cork from the bottle of champagne that they "popped" the night Wes proposed to her. She then gave it to Wes for their 10th anniversary.
It was a great momento for the guy who has everything....and sentimental for her as well.
Mr. Nelson, it's about time you had a web presence. LOL
You do the best work ever!!!
Tell Becky hi for me, see you soon!
I found two whole sand dollars at the beach years ago - yes, actually found them in the sand, didn't buy them in a store! I had Dick frame the two of them together. The next year I found another one! Of course I had to have that one framed, too. :)
Dick did a beautiful box lined with matting to show them off.
i've seen an entire computer, flat screen and all, without the case (eewww PC guts...). It all worked and was framed nicely and hanging on the wall but was not very ergonomically...
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